Why is My Shop Vac Blowing Instead of Vacuuming?

Facing problems with your shop vac blowing? Thinking why is my shop vac blowing instead of vacuuming? Don’t Worry! We’ve got you covered!

Shop vac is an ultimate cleaning appliance when it comes to cleaning messes. These vacuums have powerful suction capabilities making them no.1 choice for cleaning your house mess. 

But, sometimes it can happen that your shop vac blows instead of vacuuming. In this case, you have to follow some troubleshooting steps which we are going to tell you in this article. 

So, let’s begin the article!

Also Read:- Difference between Shop Vac and Regular Vacuum : Which Should you Buy?

How Does Shop Vac Work?

How Does Shop Vac Work?

Source: cdn.thewirecutter.com

To know why your shop vac is blowing instead of vacuuming, you need to first understand the working mechanism of Shop Vac. 

Shops Vacs work on the same fundamental idea: a vacuum is produced by blowing air pressure. An electric motor-driven fan that draws air into the cleaner’s intake port or hose lowers air pressure. 

The cleaner’s contaminant system, which is often in the form of a canister or bag holds the air and particles that are drawn into the intake port by the suction effect. 

The contaminant system filters the air intake before it escapes through the fan exhaust port. 

Also Read:- 7 Difference between Dust Extractor and Shop Vac

Why is my Shop Vac Blowing Instead of Vacuuming: Common Reasons

Why is my Shop Vac Blowing Instead of Vacuuming: Common Reasons

Source: pipsisland.com

  • You’ve selected the Wrong Setting: Shop vacs are manufactured by several businesses, but the general design of the appliance is the same for all of them. Both vacuuming and air blowing can be done with shop vacs. Sometimes the incorrect button is accidentally hit causing it to blow. Check this setting once again before powering on your machine. 
  • Defective or Dirty Filter: The filter in your shop vac is primarily responsible for capturing dust, pollen, and other microscopic debris inside your vacuum. If the filter is torn, has a hole in it, or is otherwise broken, the dirt will simply pass through it and back into the airflow of the machine. 
  • You avoid using a Collection Bag: Shop Vacs do not require collection bags, yet they are beneficial for a variety of reasons. First of all, they simplify cleanup because the tank does not need to be manually washed after usage. Second, if you are using a defective filter that doesn’t capture the tiny particles, they will prevent loose dust from returning to your room. 
  • Your Shop Vac is Damaged: If you have eliminated every other possibility on this list and your shop vac is still not vacuuming, then your shop vac may be experiencing mechanical difficulties. 

Want to know why you should buy a vacuum? Then, refer our article on: Uses Of Vacuum Cleaner: 10 Surprising and Creative Ways

Resolve Shop Vac Blowing Instead of Vacuuming: 5 Easy Steps

Resolve Shop Vac Blowing Instead of Vacuuming: 5 Easy Steps

Source: gardenaxis.com

Now that you know why your shop vac is blowing instead of vacuuming, let’s explore the resolution steps for this issue;

  • Clean or Replace The Filters: When you see that you have performed all the necessary troubleshooting steps but still your shop vac is blowing instead of vacuuming, then you should replace or clean the filters. The shop vac can become clogged or lose suction when dust and other particles escape the filter. 
  • Ensure Proper Attachment and Setup:It is very necessary to ensure the proper attachment or setup to run your shop vac can perform well. 
  • Replacing or Repairing Damaged Parts: When you have tried everything and nothing is working, now it’s time to replace or repair damaged parts of Shop Vac so that it can work well. 

Looking for more such informational topics? Then, read our other blog posts on:


Coping with a shop vac issue can easily spread dust and dirt throughout your house, creating a mess. It can be really frustrating to experience shop vac blowing instead of vacuuming. 

You have to understand the root cause of the problem and then think of a solution. Also, regular maintenance is very necessary to maintain the working of your Shop Vac. 

If you get help from this article, be sure to read our other posts on: