How to make a Bagless Vacuum smell better?

Want to know how to make a bagless vacuum smell better? In this article, you will know how you can make it smell good. 

There can be various reasons for the foul smell of your vacuum cleaner. It can be due to mold, dust, pet hair, and similar substances. Still, since they are common in every household, you should opt to clean them on a regular basis. Besides, when your vacuum cleaner does not clean these substances, it emits a lousy odor.

Well, the following are the ways you must perform so that your vacuum cleaner is clean and smells good:

Top 3 Ways to make a Bagless Vacuum Smell Better

3 Ways to make a Bagless vacuum smell better


1. Scent the vacuum cleaner

Sprinkle fragrant spices or herbs on it. Else, you can do so with the help of cinnamon powder or lemon verbena in the dust bag. You can also sprinkle some aromatic herbs on the carpet before vacuuming.

Additionally, you can use commercial deodorant tablets and put them in the dust bag inside the bagless vacuum cleaner. You can get the deodorant tablets in various types of scents according to your choice. 

2. Sanitize the vacuum cleaner

Dust collects in your vacuum cleaner when you clean floors and carpets. If you do not clean it on a regular basis, with time, it starts to have a bad smell, and it can thus give rise to mold and bacteria.

Hence, sanitizing the bagless vacuum cleaner would be best to keep yourself safe and secure. It not only cleanses the dirtbag inside the vacuum cleaner but also emits a good smell.

3. Proper Maintenance

One of the methods to evade the foul odor from it is proper maintenance. If you are using the vacuum cleaner often, it becomes necessary to clean each of its parts. Since each part of a vacuum cleaner is detachable, it becomes easier to clean them one by one.  

4 Major Reasons why Bad smell occurs 

Reasons why bad smell occurs in vacuum


There are various reasons for the foul smell of your vacuum cleaner. Some of the primary causes for the foul odor are the following.

1. Pet hair

If you are raising a dog or a cat at home, you will most likely find their hair at every corner of your house. You will find pet hair, especially on carpets and sofas. Thus, when you clean them with your vacuum cleaner, the hair gets stuck inside the dirtbag and starts smelling. 

2. Mould

If you use a vacuum cleaner regularly, you should clean it often. It is because the dust and dirt that your vacuum cleaner collects get stuck in the dirtbag. Besides, if you do not clean the machine regularly, it leads to a nasty smell.

Furthermore, it is primarily because of the development of mold that emits a strong foul odor. In due course, your entire house starts smelling, much to your embarrassment.

You can also use a steam cleaner to remove mould from the bag.

3. Belt

The central functioning part of the vacuum cleaner is the belt. It helps the vacuum cleaner run smoothly. But, since the belt is made of rubber, it sometimes starts to smell.

It usually happens when you overuse the machine, which can result in emitting a burning smell. So, it would be best if you change the rubber belt so that it does not create any further issues for your machine.

4. Motor

The motor of the vacuum cleaner is the most crucial part. It is because if there is a problem with the functioning of the motor, you can get a burning smell.

In consequence, you should also check the motor of the vacuum cleaner, the rubber belt, and the brush roller. Also, you can do so after unplugging the device, or it may lead to a severe accident. 

Helpful hacks to remove bad smell

Following are some valuable tips to eliminate the foul smell: – 

  • The presence of dust, dirt, pet hairs and similar materials can cause a foul odor from your vacuum cleaner. Thereupon, you should clean the interior dust bag and wash the exterior bag to evade the foul odor.
  • You must wash the plastic dirt canister with soap and warm water. It is because the dirt and other materials get stuck at the wall of the canister, thus gradually leading to a bad smell gradually. Thus, you must perform the activity regularly to keep your bagless vacuum cleaner in proper order.
  • Baking soda eliminates foul odor and smell. As a consequence, if you want to keep the vacuum machine clean, sprinkle some baking soda on the floor and vacuum it. It will help remove your vacuum cleaner’s foul smell instantly.
  • Some organic oils are excellent deodorants. Moreover, the organic oils emit a pleasant smell while vacuuming, and it also prevents the development of molds.

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Regular cleaning of your vacuum cleaner will keep the machine in proper order and emit a pleasing odor. Moreover, if you have pets, it becomes necessary to use the vacuum cleaner more often. In such cases, you must make sure to thoroughly clean the machine regularly to avoid the presence of foul odor. Yet, if still the smell persists after trying all the methods, it is time to get a professional’s services. 

We hope now you know how to make a bagless vacuum smell better. 


Q: – What can you put in a bagless vacuum to make it smell better?

You can use essential oil, cinnamon, or commercial vacuum cleaner fresheners. You can also use the fresh air scent tablets that help keep your house fresh and away from the foul odor.

Another important thing that you can keep in the vacuum dust bag is organic oil. It acts as a natural deodorant that not only emits a pleasing odor but also keeps away bacteria and mold. 

Q: – How do you increase the suction on a vacuum cleaner that is bagless?

Well, if you do not clean your vacuum cleaner regularly, it can start malfunctioning. You will find that the machine cannot suck the dust and dirt properly. Hence, to increase the suction, you must:

1. Clean the attachment of your machine regularly.
2. Empty the dirtbags every time you use the vacuum cleaner.
3. Inspect the rubber belt regularly.
4. Check the filter.

Q: – Why is your bagless vacuum without suction?

If your vacuum cleaner cannot suck the dirt and dust properly, it is because the dirt bag is full. You need to immediately empty the dirt bag and clean it before using the vacuum cleaner again.

Q:- How do you use essential oils in a bagless vacuum?

You can use the essential oils by mixing them first with water and baking soda. When the mixture is ready, you can spray a few drops inside the dirt bag of your vacuum cleaner.