Will a Steam Cleaner Remove Paint From Carpet: A Step-By-Step Guide

Your expensive carpet got paint stains while painting the home? Are you looking for a solution that gets paint off the carpet? If yes, this blog is for you. It includes the solution and tells you that a steam cleaner can help you to make your job easy and remove them effectively. If you are not able to remove paint by yourself, you can also hire a professional for this work. They have some techniques to remove the paint from the carpet without destroying the carpet fibers. Are you confused with a question, “Will a Steam Cleaner Remove Paint from Carpet?”

Whether the Steam Cleaner eliminates the carpet paint or not? The answer is yes, it can help you to release the stain from the carpet and return it to your carpet’s surface. But before trying the steam cleaner, make sure to use it first at the outline part of the carpet, so your carpet will be safe and in good condition. However, paint stains are stubborn and difficult to remove, but steam softens the paint stain and helps to get out the pain of your beloved carpet.

Importance of removing paint from the Carpet

Importance of removing paint from the Carpet
Source: cdn.apartmenttherapy.info

Carpets are a valuable asset for your home or office. It improves the look of your home and prevents your home from the extreme temperature of weather during winter or summer. A carpet can be important for you in many ways, therefore you don’t want to spoil the look and feel of your favorite and remove the paint stain safely and effectively.

Here are some importance of removing paint from the carpet:

  • If some paint spills out on the carpet, it interferes with its appearance and your carpet doesn’t look as good as earlier. You must remove the paint immediately from the carpet, otherwise, it spoils its beauty. And you will lose the good form of the carpet.
  • Spilling paint on the carpet is also not good for your health. It is health hazardous, as paint contains some harmful chemicals that can affect your health, so you can avoid such health danger by removing the paint from the carpet.
  • Removing paint is important for your property value. Paint stains decrease the value of the property and you may not get a good price when you sell or rent it out.
  • To prevent your carpet fibers, you should remove the paint from the carpet. Paint can damage the carpet’s fibers.

What are the causes of Paint Spills on the Carpet?

There can be many causes of paint spills but the most common cause of the paint over the carpet is excess paint on rollers and brushes. Other reasons are leakage of the paint box and overflow of the container, etc.

How does a Steam Cleaner Remove Paint from the Carpet?

How does a Steam Cleaner Remove Paint from the Carpet?
Source: media.angi.com

Steam cleaner is an effective mode of removing paint from the carpet. However, you need to use solvent or the service of a professional technique/cleaner.

Here is step to step guides to removing paint from the carpet:

  • First, you have to prepare to start the process of stain removal. The best way is to remove the stain immediately. You should not leave it to dry up, otherwise, it is difficult to get rid of. But if you are cleaning the dried paint stain, you need to use hot/warm water mixed with detergent soap/dish soap. But keep in mind that you don’t use dish soap excessively. Only one drop is enough to start the process. If you are concerned about using dish soap on your carpet, you can try vinegar-based carpet cleaner products. The mixture will soften the paint if you pour it on the stain and let it sit for a while. Blot the stain with a damp paper towel once it has become wet. Work carefully and simply wipe the area; do not scrub.
  • Scrabble the stain is another step for this. You can scrape the paint with a dull knife or scrub brush. Gently scrub the stain with this tool and then add the mixture to remove the paint stain. Make sure your carpet fiber does not get damaged.
  • If soaking, bloating or scraping doesn’t work out in some cases, you use a steam cleaner for stubborn stains. Try steam repeatedly or  use a steam cleaner by following the manufacturer’s instructions. If you don’t have access to a steamer, a low-heat iron will do in a pinch. To get rid of any remaining water-based paint particles, start the procedure from the beginning. 


When you use a steam cleaner to erase the paint stain, first you need to check an unimportant part of the carpet, so it can prevent the carpet’s fibers from being damaged. Secondly, read the manufacturer’s instructions while using it and work accordingly.

Steam cleaner is a powerful method to remove the paint from the carpet, but you need to prepare the solvent, alone steam cleaner may not be sufficient. With a steam cleaner, one can also take the help of professional services to remove the carpet’s paint stain.


1. What is the hardest paint to get out of the carpet?

The most challenging type  of paint to get out of the carpet is oil-based paint.

2. Is it easier to get wet or dry paint out of the carpet?

Although it is considerably easier to remove the wet paint from the carpet than remove dry paint.