Use of Vacuum Cleaner in Housekeeping

Vacuum Cleaner is a key gadget of Housekeeping which everyone knows. But two things which a vacuum cleaner provides no manual work can compete for, i.e. the effectiveness of the vacuum cleaner (because of which it can clean 100% of the dust) and time when compared to manual work.

So in case you are still in the housekeeping business with bare hands, shift to a vacuum cleaner as soon as possible. Here is a guide to the Use of a Vacuum Cleaner in Housekeeping:

Types of Vacuum Cleaners

Types of Vacuum Cleaners

When you go to a market, you find that there are various types of vacuum cleaners waiting for their turn to be bought. But it is up to you to decide on a suitable Vacuum cleaner for your use. So let’s take a look at the different types of vacuum cleaners.

Upright Vacuum Cleaners

As the name suggests, an Upright Vacuum cleaner has a straight body like a tree. It balances itself on the suction head because of its larger dimensions. Upright Vacuum cleaner takes up significantly less space when it comes to storage. 

But it does have a few limitations, such as it makes a lot of noise, approximately 70 dB. Though it is easy to keep, it is very heavy due to its upright shape. We also know that it has a large suction head which won’t be able to reach the corners where there is no space for its massive head. Overall it is a user-friendly vacuum cleaner, which is easy to operate, easy to dump waste, and easy to store. 

– Canister Vacuum Cleaners

Let’s take our turn to look at the canister vacuum cleaners. Canister vacuum cleaners have dirt storage, along with the motor that looks like a canister, and it can be detached from the handle and suction head. Canister vacuum cleaners have comparatively greater motor power which increases the rate of suction.

Though its motor works with more speed then, also it makes less noise, i.e. 60 to 65 dB, when compared to others, i.e. 70 dB on average. It can also clean up most of the surface, including the corners of the house, because of its smaller and thinner suction head.

While it has its advantages, it also has a disadvantage, i.e. it has a large and circular body which is not easy to store. It takes up a lot of space to store, so in case you have limited space for storage, then a canister vacuum shouldn’t be your choice. But if you have a suitable space, canister vacuum cleaners are the best choice.

– Handheld Vacuum Cleaners

Handheld vacuum cleaners are easier to transport because of their small body. But handheld vacuum cleaners are not suitable when the workload is maximum. Handheld Vacuum Cleaners do not take up any space when compared to other vacuum cleaners. 

You can even keep it with yourself while sleeping. It is also very easy to use and can be used for everyday cleaning purposes because it makes the cleaning process look so unwearied.

– Stick Vacuum Cleaners

There are two types of Stick Vacuum Cleaners, i.e. handheld stick vacuum cleaners and regular stick Vacuum Cleaners. If you have ever used a hair blow dryer, you will be very compatible with Handheld Stick Vacuum cleaners. It has precisely the same body structure as the hair blow dryer.

When it comes to regular Stick Vacuum cleaners, It is suggested that Stick Vacuum Cleaners are a smaller version of upright vacuum cleaners. But it makes very less noise and is easy to use and store. So overall, it is a great option to buy for housekeeping as it can also take up the burden of waste.

Robotic Vacuum Cleaners

Robotic Vacuum Cleaners are adorable disc-like structures. It can attract you with its elegance and the ability to clean your house by itself. You have two options to select from, i.e. Cordless or Corded Robotic Vacuum Cleaner. Also, it is a sensor-based Vacuum cleaner that can sense different hindering objects and avoid a collision.

How to Use a Vacuum Cleaner in Housekeeping?

How to Use a Vacuum Cleaner in Housekeeping?

It was all about the various types of vacuum cleaners, but isn’t it essential to understand how to use a vacuum cleaner in Housekeeping? 

So let’s take our turn to understand this as well.

  • Preparation before Cleaning

Before cleaning, make sure that you have removed all the tiny stuff, such as legos, cutters, etc. It is essential to remove these things because they can damage the vacuum cleaner by getting stuck in the pipe leading to drainage. This will eventually make the entire house cleaning process unsatisfying because of all the dirt left on the carpets, floors, etc. 

  • Cleaning Techniques

Once the preparation is complete, the housekeeping process starts with vacuum cleaning, where all the dust and dirt are all over the place being cleaned. Then we have polishing, laundering, and dry cleaning lined up next to vacuum cleaning. 

  • Vacuum Cleaner Maintenance

It is necessary to maintain vacuum cleaners, so make sure to follow the given points to safeguard your vacuum cleaner.

  1. Keep cleaning the bristles of the vacuum cleaner’s brush.
  2. Keep the drainage bag neat and clean
  3. Keep undoing the dust bag every time it fills up.

Tips for Using a Vacuum Cleaner Effectively

Take the following tips for an effective vacuum cleaning process.

  • Make a routine for your vacuum cleaning for the entire year.
  • Don’t be hasty and keep a gap between vacuum cleaning sessions.
  • Focus on the places such as hall rooms, foyers, living rooms, etc., where there is comparatively more dust and dirt.


Housekeeping is a vital part of our lives. But it is a challenging and hectic job to do, but you don’t have to worry because Vacuum cleaners are at your aid. So make sure to get a vacuum cleaner and follow the proper ways to use it so that it doesn’t get damaged and lasts long. So take your housekeeping to another level and get a vacuum cleaner now!