How to Get Rid of Carpet Beetles

Want to know how to get rid of carpet beetles? Then, you are at the right page. Read this article to know!

An innocuous but potentially harmful bug may be reproducing in your home. Although carpet beetles, which are less than an inch, which are less than an inch long, can be a pain, the true harm is done by the young. 

Fabric and natural fibers are favorites of carpet beetle larvae. Due to the harm they do to your rugs and clothing, you will be able to tell they are present. 

Learn how to spot the presence of carpet beetles and what to do to get rid of these pesky insects by reading this tutorial. 

Also Read:- How to get rid of Carpenter Bees

The Best Way to Spot a Carpet Beetle Infestation

The Best Way to Spot a Carpet Beetle Infestation


What abilities do carpet beetles possess? If enough pests arrive to establish an infestation in your home, there will be significant damage. 

Through open windows and tiny gaps around your doors, carpet beetles can enter your home. You can notice them flying about light sources crawling along window sashes and doorways because they are drawn to light. 

The hair-covered larvae of carpet beetles range in color from light brown to black. They like spaces in a home with little to no light, such as attics, cabinets, pantries, and interior air ducts and vents. 

Over a year passes before the larvae become adults. The carpet beetles can produce more eggs once they reach adulthood to continue the cycle of infestation. 

How to Naturally Get Rid of Carpet Beetles

How to Naturally Get Rid of Carpet Beetles


To get rid of carpet beetles in your home, there are organic pest control solutions that are suitable for households. 

  • Essential Oils: Natural deterrents include essential oils. An inexpensive and natural carpet beetle killer is distilled water. When you suspect the presence of beetles or their larvae, spray it there. The majority of essential oils used to repel carpet beetles don’t leave stains and won’t harm your carpets or furniture, but some oils, like jasmine and those with darker yellowish hues like patchouli or tangerine, can do so. 
  • Use Vinegar: Because carpet beetles detest the smell, vinegar repels them. To remove carpet beetle larvae, use a solution of water and white or apple cider vinegar. 
  • Diatomaceous Earth: Diatomaceous earth, sometimes known as DE, is a fine, white material that is naturally occurring. The carpet beetles and their crawling larvae are killed by this dust, which is prevalent on the earth’s surface. Make sure to ask for food-grade DE, which is thought to be safe for you and has a low concentration of crystalline silica. 

How To Prevent the Recurrence Of Carpet Beetles

Springtime is when carpet beetles become active. You want to include prevention in your spring cleaning duties now that you are aware of how to get rid of carpet beetles in the home. 

  • Larvae of the carpet beetle are particularly prone to feed on your stored garments. Use hot water and detergent to wash your linens, towels and cushions. To keep the carpet beetles and their larvae away, add cedar strips or a few moth balls to the storage boxes for the containers or bags. 
  • Apply chalk around the exterior of your home and at potential access places for carpet beetles, such as vents and doorways. 
  • Carpet Beetles and other pesky insects can easily enter your home through a hole in your windows screens. To prevent the insects from entering your home, fix the gaps in the screens or get new ones. 


Pests like carpet beetles can be a pain. Their larvae can harm your clothing, precious possessions, and even area rugs made of natural fibers. 

You can try a few DIY remedies to get rid of an infestation of these bugs. Take proactive ste[ps to prevent them from entering your home, and if using insecticides like boric acid causes you concern, know that there are household safe options to eliminate carpet beetles and their larvae without endangering your family or pests.