How to Get Rid of Carpenter Bees (A Step by Step Guide)

Want to know how to get rid of carpenter bees? Then, you are at the right page. Read the whole article to know!

Carpenter bees are advantageous for the environment because they are superior pollinators. They can nest in or near your home, and are a serious threat to softwoods like pine and cedar. 

This article will go through how to get rid of carpenter bees on your property and stop them from coming back. 

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Carpenter Bees: Overview

Carpenter Bees: Overview


Carpenter Bees are solitary insects that resemble bumblebees. They are famous for boring into wood to create nests. Humans are completely safe and Carpenter bees don’t cause any harm to humans, but their nesting activities can cause structural damage. 

Carpenter bee holes may appear small from the outside, but the galleries they build are much larger and more harmful than they appear. 

Let’s know more about this and then know the prevention of getting rid of carpenter bees. 

We’ve also covered a post on the similar blog topic, which you can read here:- How to Get Rid of Ants Permanently Inside (A Quick Guide) .

The Effects of Carpenter Bees on Wood

The Effects of Carpenter Bees on Wood


Rather than eating wood, carpenter bees dig into it to make nesting “galleries”where they deposit eggs in the spring and seek refuge in the winter. Carpenter bee holes may appear small from the outside, but the galleries they build are much larger and more harmful than they appear. 

A Carpenter bee nest begins as a tunnel that extends a few inches in a straight line before making a dramatic 90-degree turn to lead to the bees chambers. 

Females prefer to visit already-built tunnels every year and widen them as necessary because they take so long to build. This makes the wood more vulnerable to damage. 

Carpenter bee damage has the potential to entirely destabilize all the wood in the region they have colonized if left unchecked. Carpenter bees can also draw woodpeckers, who then go deeper into the wood in search of larval stage bees to eat. 

How to Get Rid of Carpenter Bees: Step-By-Step Process

How to Get Rid of Carpenter Bees: Step-By-Step Process


Since Carpenter bees are pollinating insects, you might wish to read about natural and non-toxic ways to get rid of carpenter bees. 

There are numerous ways to eradicate them. Pay attention to their life cycle and provide medication in late summer or very early spring for best results. The ideal moment to seal their favorite locations is then. 

So, let’s see the steps to get rid of carpenter bees:- 

  • Use Carpenter Bee Traps:- Carpenter bee traps are easy to use and provide an eco-friendly means of eradication purchase, make, and then hang a trap precisely above the bee hole. Bees will go into the trap thinking it is a nest and will be unable to get out. 
  • Make Use of Non-Toxic liquids to Repel Bees:- Bee-repellent liquids that are on-toxic include water mixtures with citrus oil. To entice the bees to leave the nest, pour some liquid around the bee openings with a spray bottle. Frequent applications are required. Combine different carpenter bee-repelling strategies for optimal results. 
  • Create Loud Noises and Vibrations:- Play Loud music with the speakers close to the area of infestation for 2-3 days because it is known that loud noises and vibrations deter bees. You should patch the holes as soon as possible in this situation. 

So, these are some steps which will help you to get rid of Carpenter bees naturally and without causing any harm to them. 

Preventive Measures 

Preventive Measures 


Take action to stop a carpenter bee problem from recurring. If you don’t know how to prevent carpenter bee infestations, then read this portion:-

  • Seal Cracks & Holes:- Initially, check the property of your home and see if any place has cracks and holes. If it is safe, properly seal the area. 
  • Paint or Stain Wood Surfaces:- Apply a protective layer of stain on the wood so that the carpenter bees don’t come towards the wood. 
  • Replace the Damaged Wood:- You have to replace the wood if the wood is damaged so that the bees don’t come near the wood. 


You need a systematic way to get rid of carpenter bees. Some people kill them to get rid of them, but you shouldn’t kill any of the animals. 

If you want to get rid of carpenter bees, you can follow the humane approach to remove them from your area. We have mentioned some steps above which will definitely help you to get rid of carpenter bees.